BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM WED
John Chiang
(UC Berkeley)
A tale of two annual cycles: the remarkable change in Pacific cold tongue seasonality under orbital precession
BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM WED
Susanne Hering
(Aerosol Dynamics Inc.)
Enumerating airborne particles in both urban environments and space habitats
Physics Colloquium
Physics 1
4:15 PM MON
Alan Robock
(Rutgers University)
Global famine after nuclear war
EPS Colloquium
141 McCone
3:45 PM THU
Alan Robock
(Rutgers University)
Benefits and risks of stratospheric geoengineering
Geog Colloquium
575 McCone
3:30 PM WED
Tripti Bhattacharya
(Syracuse U)
Understanding future regional hydroclimate through the lens of paleoclimate
141 McCone
3:45 PM THU
Sally Pusede
(U of Virginia)
Observing air pollution inequality in U.S. cities from space
Brower Center
9 AM - 5 PM FRI
Invited speakers and contributed poster sessions
(please register on the BASC website)
Johnston Lecture
120 Latimer
4:00 PM TUE
Jonathan Reid
(Bristol University)
The physicochemical dynamics of exhaled aerosols and airborne disease transmission
Env Eng Seminar
534 Davis
12:00 PM FRI
Newsha Ajami
The role of engineering in addressing climate and social priorities
GEOG Colloquium
575 McCone
3:30 PM WED
Alan Rhoades
(UC Berkeley/LBNL)
Hydroclimatic change in the midlatitudes of the American Cordillera
Env Eng Seminar
12:00 PM FRI
Alissa Park
(Columbia U)
CO2 utilization and storage via carbon mineralization and enhanced extraction of alkaline metals and rare earth elements from unconventional resources
BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM WED
Jeff Anderson
(National Center for Atmospheric Research)
Improved Estimates of Atmospheric Tracer Concentrations and Sources: Fusing Observations and Models with Nonlinear, Non-Gaussian Data Assimilation
Env Eng Seminar
534 Davis
12:00 PM FRI
Priyanka de Souza
(University of Colorado, Denver)
Making air quality count: Low-cost sensors, public health and urban planning
BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM WED
Brian Mapes
(University of Miami)
Conversation starter about two phenomena I study: vapor lakes off East Africa and stratocumulus-deck gravity waves
BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM WED
Haiyan Teng
Boreal summer warming in the Northern Hemisphere midlatitudes: Can we disentangle the forced response from the internal variability?
BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM WED
Sonia Seneviratne
(ETH Zurich)
Drought-vegetation-climate interactions in the climate crisis: New insights and future perspectives