JANUARY 25, 2023

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM WED

John Chiang
(UC Berkeley)
A tale of two annual cycles: the remarkable change in Pacific cold tongue seasonality under orbital precession

FEBRUARY 1, 2023

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM WED

Susanne Hering
(Aerosol Dynamics Inc.)
Enumerating airborne particles in both urban environments and space habitats

FEBRUARY 13, 2023

Physics Colloquium
Physics 1
4:15 PM MON

Alan Robock
(Rutgers University)
Global famine after nuclear war

FEBRUARY 16, 2023

EPS Colloquium
141 McCone
3:45 PM THU

Alan Robock
(Rutgers University)
Benefits and risks of stratospheric geoengineering

FEBRUARY 22, 2023

Geog Colloquium
575 McCone
3:30 PM WED

Tripti Bhattacharya
(Syracuse U)
Understanding future regional hydroclimate through the lens of paleoclimate

FEBRUARY 23, 2023

141 McCone
3:45 PM THU

Sally Pusede
(U of Virginia)
Observing air pollution inequality in U.S. cities from space

FEBRUARY 24, 2023

Brower Center
9 AM - 5 PM FRI

Invited speakers and contributed poster sessions
(please register on the BASC website)

FEBRUARY 28, 2023

Johnston Lecture
120 Latimer
4:00 PM TUE

Jonathan Reid
(Bristol University)
The physicochemical dynamics of exhaled aerosols and airborne disease transmission

MARCH 3, 2023

Env Eng Seminar
534 Davis
12:00 PM FRI

Newsha Ajami
The role of engineering in addressing climate and social priorities

MARCH 8, 2023

GEOG Colloquium
575 McCone
3:30 PM WED

Alan Rhoades
(UC Berkeley/LBNL)
Hydroclimatic change in the midlatitudes of the American Cordillera

APRIL 7, 2023

Env Eng Seminar
12:00 PM FRI

Alissa Park
(Columbia U)
CO2 utilization and storage via carbon mineralization and enhanced extraction of alkaline metals and rare earth elements from unconventional resources

APRIL 12, 2023

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM WED

Jeff Anderson
(National Center for Atmospheric Research)
Improved Estimates of Atmospheric Tracer Concentrations and Sources: Fusing Observations and Models with Nonlinear, Non-Gaussian Data Assimilation

APRIL 14, 2023

Env Eng Seminar
534 Davis
12:00 PM FRI

Priyanka de Souza
(University of Colorado, Denver)
Making air quality count: Low-cost sensors, public health and urban planning

APRIL 19, 2023

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM WED

Brian Mapes
(University of Miami)
Conversation starter about two phenomena I study: vapor lakes off East Africa and stratocumulus-deck gravity waves

APRIL 26, 2023

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM WED

Haiyan Teng
Boreal summer warming in the Northern Hemisphere midlatitudes: Can we disentangle the forced response from the internal variability?

MAY 3, 2023

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM WED

Sonia Seneviratne
(ETH Zurich)
Drought-vegetation-climate interactions in the climate crisis: New insights and future perspectives